3 – 6 October
Helsinki – Espoo
Program 2019
Exhibition: VICAR, a life with a pencil
3.–31.10.2019, Annantalo, 2nd floor. Annankatu 30, Helsinki
Free entrance! For all ages
50 original illustrations that represent the work of Chilean cartoonist and scriptwriter Víctor Arriagada Ríos “VICAR” (1934-2012), amongst them his famous Donald Duck illustrations for the magazine’s Finnish edition. Disney gave VICAR the responsibility for drawing most of the Donald Duck illustrations in Europe, making him their most prolific cartoonist.
- Opening Thursday 3.10 at 3pm
- Guided tour on 3.10 at 4:30pm by VICAR’s son Víctor Arriagada Schulz who is visiting Finland for this occasion (Spanish and English)
- Open hours: Monday – Friday 8 am – 8 pm and Saturday – Sunday 10 am – 4 pm
This exhibition is a co-production by Ninho Kulttuurikeskus Ry and the Chilean Embassy in Finland. It has been possible thanks to our partners: Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Annantalo. Special thanks to Víctor Arriagada Schulz.
IV Bilingualism Biennial Seminar: Plurilingualism in cooperation: the lusophone community in action
03.10.2019, 17-19:30
Annantalo, Annankatu 30, Helsinki
Welcome! Free entrance.
How to foster bilingualism or plurilingualism in our children? What kinds of activities does the lusophone community offer interested families? Why is it important to read to children?
The goal of the IV Bilingualism Seminar is to promote information and best practices for the development of bilingualism or plurilingualism in children. The Seminar will also provide families of Hispanic, Lusitanic or Finnish background with the opportunity to meet and share experiences.
Moderator: Dr. Jarna Piippo, mother of 4 Finnish-Angolan kids (ages 13, 17, 21 and 23), Professor at the University of Helsinki
- Catarina Stichini
- Patrícia Carvalho Ribeiro
- Terhi Martins
- Mário Ascenção
Languages: Portuguese and Spanish, English interpreting available if necessary.
Pasila Library | 4.10.2019
15:00 Music and storytelling for early childhood- Trilogía “Ovo”.
- For children aged 3 months to 3 years old accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity 20 couples.
- We speak and sing in Portuguese.
- Duration: 35 min.
Ovo | The egg is where everything begins. Simple as that. A showcase that unfolds into the discovery of something very strange. Adapted from the book “Um Bicho Estranho”, by Mon Daporta, Óscar Villán and Ana M. Noronha (ed. Kalandraka), this is a never ending story, where the rhythm and rhyme share the stage and implicate the participants. The egg rolls and the story goes on. Sensations, songs and stories to discover in an “egg” that is a cocoon of emotions.
Artists: Colectivo O Som do Algodão (Portugal)
16:00 Music & tales for children – CircOntado
- For children aged 3 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 30 couples.
- We speak and sing in Portuguese.
- Duration: 45 min.
Life is a circus! And so are stories! What if we were all part of the same circus? A story session that combines the fantastic and the unreal, wolves that speak Spanish and girls who lose their minds during break time and climb mountains without fear. All together in the same melting pot of stories. Children of all ages, welcome to CircOntando, a circus that tells of tales untold, where stories are served with uncontrollable laughter!
Artists: Colectivo O Som do Algodão (Portugal)
17:00 Capoeira- Small elements creating a huge community
Auditorio 2 floor
- For children aged 3 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 25 kids.
- We speak Finnish, Portuguese, English and Spanish.
- Duration: 60 min.
Welcome to enjoy the good energy of Brazilian Capoeira! In this workshop Capoeira movements and steps will be taught in a dynamic way with games and music. The rhythm, joyful songs and acrobatic movements will offer the kids a great moment of amusement and learning about Afro- Brazilian culture.
Artist: CM “Bom Cabelo” José Reinaldo Santos Soares (Brazil), Tambor Vivo ry
Annantalo | 4.10.2019
IV Biennial Bilingualism Seminar: Ibero-America in children’s books
04.10.2019, 17 – 19
Annantalo, Annankatu 30, Helsinki
Welcome! Free entrance
A chat especially dedicated to families, teachers and all those interested in children’s literature in Spanish and in fostering the curiosity of young readers.
Ana Garralón will present books focusing on Ibero-America, get attendees acquainted to quality works from the region and major trends, and introduce ideas for readers to connect with their traditions. Garralón is one of the most distinguished children’s literature specialists of the Spanish-speaking world and the recipient of the National Award for the Promotion of Reading in Madrid, Spain, 2016.
Seminar Language: Spanish.
This Seminar is a production by Ninho Kulttuurikeskus Ry. It has been possible thanks to our partners: Spanish Embassy in Finland, Spanish Chancellery in Madrid, Ibero- American Institute from Finland & Annantalo.
Sello Library | 5.10.2019
11:00 – 15:00 Pin Workshop- Kolibrí
- All ages.
- We speak Spanish, Portuguese, English and Finnish.
- Nonstop workshop.
Come and make your own pin 2019. Pin Kolibrí close to your heart!
Facilitators: Kolibrí team.
11:00 Babies Dance Workshop- Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast Rhythms
- For moms or dads with their babies from 3 to 12 months.
- Capacity 15 couples.
- We speak Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish and English.
- Duration: 45 min.
Holding our babies in our arms, we travel in dance. Music and movement naturally connect us to the microcosm of the dance tradition coming from the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua. Adults attending the workshop should bring baby carriers and wear comfortable clothing.
Artist: Mariano Vega (Nicaragua)
11:00 Storytime-Tres Kolbríes vamos a Sello
- For children ages 1 to 3 years old accompanied by an adult.
- Storytelling in Portuguese and Spanish.
- Duration: 45 min.
An encounter with stories, books and imagination, specially targeted to families with children 1 years of age and older. “Tres Kolibríes vamos a Sello” (Three Hummingbirds go to the Sello Library) carry on with the tradition of entertaining afternoons of storytelling, book-reading and friendships that kicked-off the “Tres Nubes”group (Three Clouds) back in 2010.
Narrators: Verónica Miranda (Argentina) & Maria Luisa Lozano Letelier (Brazil)
11:00 & 11:30 Science Workshop- Dancing Bubbles
- For children ages 4 to 13 years old accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 20 pairs per shift.
- We speak Spanish, Finnish, English and Portuguese.
- Duration: 30 min.
Can we make soap bubbles go wherever we want? We can find bubbles in nature and in our lives, during bath time, in sea foam… Can bubbles help us understand how static electricity works? Let’s make bubbles! And with the help of Physics, we will learn to steer them wherever we want.
Teachers: Ana Álvarez Piedehierro & Beatriz García Ustárroz (Spain)
12:00 Dance & Percussion Workshop- Brazilian Samba
- For children ages 7 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 20 pairs
- We speak Spanish, Finnish, English and Portuguese.
- Duration: 60 min.
Come and play drums and learn some dance movements from this Afro Brazilian dance with world-renowned Brazilian musician Adriano Adewale and dancer Carolina Adewale. This workshop proposes the rediscovery of our ancestors’ culture. All welcome, no previous experience is necessary.
Artists: Carolina Adewale & Adriano Adewale (Brazil)
12:15 Music and storytelling for early childhood- Trilogía “NiNHO”.
- For children ages 3 months to 3 years old accompanied by an adult
- Capacity 30 couples.
- We speak and sing in Portuguese.
- Duration: 35 min.
NiNHO | From the original tale “O Ninho do Urso Gaspar”, by Inês Montalvão, O Som do Algodão knits a web of affection. When we unfold our nest, when we open the door of our nest to others, there is something changing. Right there, in that precise moment. “If we do from anywhere, OUR place, this only proves that deep down … we are our own Nest.”
Artists: Colectivo O Som do Algodão & Inés Montalvão (Portugal)
12:00–16:00 Graphic Workshop- Create your own Kolibrí T-shirt
Paja vinyylileikkuri ja prässi
- For children of all ages with an adult.
- We speak Spanish, English and Finnish.
- Nonstop workshop.
Let’s put color and wings to the imagination! Bring your own t-shirt and you’ll be able to stamp Kolibri’s logo on it!
Facilitators: Sello librarians & Kolibrí volunteers’ group.
12:30 – 16:00 Cardboard Workshop and Installation- Big Bugs
Paja Ikkunapöydät
- For children ages 3 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- We speak Spanish, Finnish, English and Portuguese.
- Non-stop workshop.
Would you like to build up cardboard animal toys? Let’s investigate the amazing details of the insect world, study them, listen to some amazing stories about some species that surround us at home or in the woods in Finland and then reproduce them at big scale with recycled cardboard. It would be wonderful to recreate the insect world in big all together and have them as a little exhibition!
Artist: Ina Fiebig (Germany)
13:00 Science Workshop- From DNA to Brain: What are We Made of?
- For children ages 7 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 20 pairs
- We speak Spanish, Finnish, English and Portuguese.
- Duration: 60 min.
This workshop will ignite the innate curiosity of the children for the natural world and motivate them to explore, ask questions and discover the world. We hope that, by providing representativity, the children will relate to at least one of the brilliant scientists presented in the support material and they will be proud of their cultural inheritance and social group.
Teachers: Caroline Biojone & Plinio Casarotto (Brazil)
14:00 Music Workshop for Babies- Pikku Aurinko
- For babies and children under 1,5 years old with an adult.
- Capacity 20 couples.
- We speak English, Spanish, Portuguese and Finnish.
- Duration: 45 min.
Let’s use music, movement and play to strengthen the bond between the caretaker and the child. We’ll do this by giving them the chance to learn new songs and activities that they can practice later on at home. We will sing Latin-American songs in Spanish, Portuguese, native tongues and Finnish.
Teachers: Clara Petrozzi (Finland-Peru) & Pikku Aurinko ry
14:00 Dance Workshop- Argentine Chacarera
- For kids from 5 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- We speak Spanish, English, Portuguese and Finnish.
- Capacity: 20 couples.
- Duration: 60 min.
How about dancing to the lively chacarera? We will learn its basic steps and a fun and easy-to-remember choreography. Come to dance, and to improvise, at the beat of the guitar, the bombo and the violin.
Artist: Erika Avelli (Argentina), Pasos de Fuego ry
14:00 Musical Exploration Workshop- How does it feel like to be in a choir?
- For children ages 7 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 20 couples.
- We speak Spanish, Finnish, English and Portuguese.
- Duration: 60 min.
Let’s try it together! The conductor of the Latin American Choir of Helsinki invites you to explore and enjoy a very special family activity. Music, interaction, voice and laughter will drive the workshop. Families will be able to take part in a real choir, singing, improvising and exploring their own voices. What if it all ends in a concert? Get on stage, sing and dance.
Conductor: Jesús Ortega (Spain), Latin American Choir of Helsinki
15:00 Interactive Concert- Latin American Choir of Helsinki & Kolibri’s families
- For the whole family.
- We sing in Spanish and Portuguese.
- Duration: 30 min.
Welcome to this concert featuring the young and the not so young! We will hear the Latin American Choir of Helsinki and those who participate in their lovely workshop. The beautiful workshop finale will provide participants with the entire experience of being part of a choir: from warming up and rehearsing to creating a new composition and presenting it to the public.
Conductor: Jesús Ortega (Spain), Latin American Choir of Helsinki
15:00 Capoeira – Small elements creating a huge community
- For children ages 3 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 20 kids.
- We speak Finnish, Portuguese, English and Spanish.
- Duration: 60 min.
Welcome to enjoy the good energy of Brazilian Capoeira! In this workshop Capoeira movements and steps will be taught in a dynamic way with games and music. The rhythm, joyful songs and acrobatic movements will offer the kids a great moment of amusement and learning about Afro- Brazilian culture.
Artist: CM “Bom Cabelo” José Reinaldo Santos Soares (Brazil), Tambor Vivo ry
15:30 Storytime-Tres Kolibríes vamos a Sello
- For children ages 5 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Storytelling in Portuguese and Spanish.
- Duration: 30 min.
An encounter with stories, books and imagination, specially targeted to families with children 5 years of age and older. “Tres Kolibríes vamos a Sello” (Three Hummingbirds go to the Sello Library) carry on with the tradition of entertaining afternoons of storytelling, book-reading and friendships that kicked-off the “Tres Nubes” group back in 2010.
Storytellers: Verónica Miranda (Argentina) & Maria Luisa Lozano Letelier (Brazil)
16:00 Music & tales for children- CircOntado
- For the whole family.
- We speak and sing in Portuguese.
- Duration: 45 min.
Life is a circus! And so are stories! What if we were all part of the same circus? A story session that combines the fantastic and the unreal, wolves that speak Spanish and girls who lose their minds during recess and climb mountains without fear. All together in the same melting pot of stories. Children of all ages, welcome to CircOntando, a circus that tells of tales untold, where stories are served with uncontrollable laughter!
Artists: Colectivo O Som do Algodão (Portugal)
Annantalo | 6.10.2019
12:00 – 16:00 Kolibrí Children’s Book Fair!
Sale of children’s and youth literature in Spanish, Portuguese and English. At the Kolibrí Book Fair you can find second-hand books and our recommendations from the Bologna Children’s Book Fair. Illustrations gifted by Isidro Ferrer and Yara Kono to support the Festival are also for sale.
Book Donations: Do you want to contribute to Kolibrí? Do you have at home children’s and youth books in Spanish, Portuguese or English that you no longer read? We are happy to collect your used books at 11:o0 on the Fair day at Annantalo hall. The selling price of second-hand books is €5 or less.
Many thanks!
11:00 Children’s Concert- Víctor and his Music Box
- For children ages 4 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity 40 couples.
- We speak and sing in Spanish.
- Duration: 45 min.
Víctor and his good friend the Music Box come all the way from Chile to bring songs and music for all the children. “Víctor and his music box” which is filled with songs, sounds and games, will present the show Pez Pez Pez.
Artist: Víctor Arriagada Schulz (Chile)
11:00 Science Workshop- From DNA to Brain: What are We Made of?
Kuva 1, 2. floor
- For children ages 7 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 20 pairs.
- We speak Spanish, Finnish, English and Portuguese.
- Duration: 60 min.
This workshop will ignite the innate curiosity of the children for the natural world and motivate them to explore, ask questions and discover the world. We hope that, by providing representativity, the children will relate to at least one of the brilliant scientists presented in the support material and they will be proud of their cultural inheritance and social group.
Teachers: Caroline Biojone & Plinio Casarotto (Brasil)
11:00 Babies Dance Workshop- Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast Rhythms
- For moms or dads with their babies from 3 to 12 months.
- Capacity 15 couples.
- We speak Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish and English.
- Duration: 45 min.
Holding our babies in our arms, we travel in dance. Music and movement naturally connect us to the microcosm of the dance tradition coming from the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua. Adults attending the workshop should bring baby carriers and wear comfortable clothing.
Artist: Mariano Vega (Nicaragua)
11:00 Let’s play! – Multisensorial Workshop
Taka galleria 2. floor
- For children ages 1,5 to 6 years old with an adult.
- We speak Spanish, Finnish, Gallego, Catala and English.
- Duration: Nonstop workshop.
Play, experimentation and discovery are the main features of these fantastic corners of colors and emotions. We invite you to a tour of the favorite places of the children ages the educational center Pequeño Mundo. Come, don’t miss it!.
Facilitators: Marina Santiago Soler and Eva Picallo, supported by the team of teachers from the Pequeño Mundo kindergarten (Spain). Cooperation with Centro educativo infantil Pequeño Mundo, Spanish language kindergarten.
11:00 –16:00 Pin Workshop- Kolibrí
1. floor
- All ages.
- We speak Spanish, Portuguese, English and Finnish.
- Nonstop workshop.
Come and make your own pin 2019. Pin Kolibrí close to your heart!
Facilitators: Kolibrí team.
12:00 – 16:00 Cardboard Workshop and Installation- Big Bugs
Kuva 2, 2. floor
- For children ages 3 years and up accompanied by an adult.
- We speak German, Spanish, Finnish, English and Portuguese.
- Non-stop workshop.
Would you like to build up cardboard animal toys? Let’s investigate the amazing details of the insect world, study them, listen to some amazing stories about some species that surround us at home or in the woods in Finland and then reproduce them at big scale with recycled cardboard. It would be wonderful to recreate the insect world in big all together and have them as a little exhibition!
Artist: Ina Fiebig (Germany)
12:00 Dance & Percussion Workshop- Brazilian Samba
- For children ages 7 years and up accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 20 pairs
- We speak Spanish, Finnish, English and Portuguese.
- Duration: 60 min.
Come and play drums and learn some dance movements from this Afro Brazilian dance with world-renowned Brazilian musician Adriano Adewale and dancer Carolina Adewale. This workshop proposes the rediscovery of our ancestor’s culture. All welcome, no previous experience is necessary.
Artists: Carolina Adewale & Adriano Adewale (Brazil)
12:00 Dance Workshop- Argentine Chacarera
- For kids from 5 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 20 couples.
- We speak Spanish, English, Portuguese and Finnish.
- Duration: 45 min.
How about dancing to the lively chacarera? We will learn its basic steps and a fun and easy-to-remember choreography. Come to dance, and to improvise, at the beat of the guitar, the bombo and the violin.
Artist: Erika Avelli (Argentina), Pasos de Fuego ry
12:00 Music Workshop for Babies- Pikku Aurinko
Studio Anna
- For babies and children under 1,5 years old with an adult.
- Capacity 20 couples.
- We speak English, Spanish, Portuguese and Finnish.
- Duration: 45 min.
Let’s use music, movement and play to strengthen the bond between the caretaker and the child. We’ll do this by giving them the chance to learn new songs and activities that they can practice later on at home. We will sing Latin-American songs in Spanish, Portuguese, native tongues and Finnish.
Teachers: Clara Petrozzi (Finland-Peru) & Pikku Aurinko ry
13:00 Storytime-Tres Kolibríes vamos a Annantalo
Studio Anna
- For children ages 4 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Storytelling in Portuguese and Spanish.
- Duration: 45 min.
An encounter with stories, books and imagination, specially targeted to families with children 4 years of age and older. “Tres Kolibríes vamos a Annantalo” (Three Hummingbirds go to the Annatalo Library) carry on with the tradition of entertaining afternoons of storytelling, book-reading and friendships that kicked-off the “Tres Nubes”group back in 2010.
Storytellers: Verónica Miranda (Argentina) & Maria Luisa Lozano Letelier (Brazil)
14:00 Storytime-Tres Kolibríes vamos a Annantalo
Studio Anna
- For children ages 1 to 3 years old accompanied by an adult.
- Storytelling in Portuguese and Spanish.
- Duration: 30 min.
An encounter with stories, books and imagination, specially targeted to families with children 1 years of age and older. “Tres Kolibríes vamos a Annantalo” (Three Hummingbirds go to the Annatalo Library) carry on with the tradition of entertaining afternoons of storytelling, book-reading and friendships that kicked-off the “Tres Nubes”group back in 2010.
Storytellers: Verónica Miranda (Argentina) & Maria Luisa Lozano Letelier (Brazil)
14:00 Music and storytelling for early childhood- Trilogía “VOaR”
- For children ages 3 months to 3 years old accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity 40 couples.
- We speak and sing in Portuguese.
- Duration: 35 min.
VOaR | This is a presentation suited for babies and kids, for all the people that are willing to fly among words, soundscapes and emotions. Just that simple, just that kind. And when we spread our wings…? It’s the vertigo of freedom, feeling the wind in your face, an overwhelming will to never return. Fly between arms, legs, between people and dreams. Fly among the sound of words. The birds fly, fly to feel, fly in freedom, in flock. But they also fly when it’s time to come back. A trip that is also a return. The restart.
Artists: Colectivo O Som do Algodão (Portugal)
14:00 Music exploration workshop- Songs, Rhymes and Games
- For children ages 3 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity 20 couples.
- We speak and sing in Spanish.
- Duration: 45 min.
Natalia invites families to join in a musical journey inspired by songs, rhymes and games of Latin America and other others parts of the world. It will be a spree of interactions of cultures through music, a trip for strengthening.
Artist: Natalia Castrillón (Colombia)
15:00 & 15:30 Science Workshop- Dancing Bubbles
Kuva 1, 2. floor
- For children ages 4 to 13 years old accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 20 pairs per shift.
- We speak Spanish, Finnish, English and Portuguese.
- Duration: 30 min.
Can we make soap bubbles go wherever we want? We can find bubbles in nature and in our lives, during bath time, in sea foam… Can bubbles help us understand how static electricity works? Let’s make bubbles! And with the help of Physics, we will learn to steer them wherever we want.
Teachers: Ana Álvarez Piedehierro & Beatriz García Ustárroz (Spain)
15:00 Music & tales for children – CircOntado
- For children ages 3 years old and up accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 40 couples.
- We speak and sing in Portuguese.
- Duration: 45 min.
Life is a circus! And so are stories! What if we were all part of the same circus? A story session that combines the fantastic and the unreal, wolves that speak Spanish and girls who lose their minds during recess and climb mountains without fear. All together in the same melting pot of stories. Children of all ages, welcome to CircOntando, a circus that tells of tales untold, where stories are served with uncontrollable laughter!
Artists: Colectivo O Som do Algodão
15:00 Dance Workshop- Fiesta in the Andes
- For children aged 4 and up old accompanied by an adult.
- Capacity: 20 couples.
- We speak Spanish, English, Portuguese and Finnish.
- Duration: 45 min.
Have you ever been to Los Andes mountain range? Do you know the animals that inhabit the territory? Welcome to wander, and dance, through its valleys, streams and peaks. Together we’ll discover its inhabitants, its music and its rhythms. Dress comfortably and remember to bring water.
Artists: Pasos de Fuego ry (Finland)
16:00-17:00 FIESTA Kolibrí 2019
This party is for children aged between 0 to 100 years old. The entire family: mothers and fathers, grandparents and all Kolibrí’s friends are welcome. Yes! We will wait for you and your beautiful smile, your regional or party dress or a costume and of course, your dancing shoes. Together we will celebrate the funniest party of the year with our star DJ NATI:
Culture is the smile that is everywhere!
Kolibrí Festivaali Staff 2019
Artistic Director
Lau Gazzotti
General Management
Verónica Miranda
Art director and exhibition curator
Ina Fiebig
Communications team
Web and collaboration tools
Eduardo Acosta
Social media and press communication
Paola Cabrera
Institutional communication
Paula Wolff
Volunteer team
Paula Wolff
Ana Peres
Yvapurú Samaniego Bonnin
Special Projects Team
Signage and graphic support
Eduardo Tejedor
Photography curation
Verónica Miranda
Yvapurú Samaniego Bonnin
Bilingualism Seminar
Jarna Piippo
Content design – STEAM
Ana Álvarez Piedehierro
Logistics coordination
Patricia Zamudio
Book Fair
Ana Tamayo, with support from Irma Luna
Evaluation and feedback
Margarita Walliander & Andréa Santos Brito
Community / interaction and integration
Andrea Botero & Lau Gazzotti
Translation team
Paula Hecq & Andréa Santos Brito
Paola Cabrera, Patricia Carvalho Ribeiro, Inka Lääperi-Olguín, Zoila Forss, Elena Kolehmainen, Ana Peres, Ruth Rubin, Lluvia Salas, Suvi Tynnilä, Margarita Walliander, Gabriela Brasil, Paula Hecq & Andréa Santos Brito
Kulttuurikeskus Ninho ry
Teija Potenze, Andrea Botero, Ana Tamayo, Ruth Rubín, Yvapurú Samaniego Bonnin
Special collaboration
Maikki Kantola (Regional Artist of Cultural diversity, TAIKE)