Multilingual afternoon at the Tram museum

“The geese”

Last 17.3 the Tram Museum in Helsinki hosted the “Los gansos” event, an activity designed especially for children. More than 40 people enjoyed an afternoon full of games and creativity in the museum’s historic tram cars. 

Artists Meri Anna Hulkkonen and Camila Rosa were in charge of guiding the children on an imaginary journey through the world of “Los gansos”. With great creativity, the artists interacted with the tram cars and stories from the book, sparking the imagination of the little ones.

In addition, the author of the book, José Antonio Ruiz, was present at the event and had the opportunity to tell the story of “Los gansos” firsthand to all the participants. 

This event was a unique experience for the children and their families, who were able to enjoy a different and fun afternoon at the Tram Museum. The combination of art and historical heritage created a magical atmosphere for the little ones.