Mi casa, tu casa

Saturday, September 23, 2023 - Lastenkulttuurikeskus Pessi - 11:00 AM

Saturday, September 23, 2023 - Lastenkulttuurikeskus Pessi - 2:00 PM

Saturday, September 30, 2023 - Malmitalo - 11:00 AM

Saturday, September 30, 2023 - Malmitalo - 2:00 PM

The invited artist of Kolibrí 2023, Alfredo Soderguit, will lead this workshop, combining literature, animation, and, of course, lots of creativity. “Mi casa, es tu casa” is a typical phrase in the Spanish language, used in many Ibero-American countries to invite friends and family to feel like a part of the household.

We will have the opportunity to enjoy the reading of Soy un animal and Los Carpinchos, in the voice of the author himself. Additionally, we will have a great time watching the episode Aves Migratorias from the animated series Dos Pajaritos, also created by Soderguit.

We will also have the assistance of Mexican designer and illustrator Mariana Núñez, who has extensive experience in creating and facilitating workshops for children.

Facilitated by

We speak
English, Spanish, Finnish, Portuguese, Swedish
3 h

23.09.2023 at 11:00, at Lastenkulttuurikeskus Pessi (Vernissakatu, 4 01300 Vantaa - Keramiikka), capacity: 15 pairs

23.09.2023 at 14:00, at Lastenkulttuurikeskus Pessi (Vernissakatu, 4 01300 Vantaa - Keramiikka), capacity: 15 pairs

30.09.2023 at 11:00, at Malmitalo (Ala-Malmin tori 1, 00700 Helsinki - Kokoushuone 3 - 2nd floor), capacity: 15 pairs

30.09.2023 at 14:00, at Malmitalo (Ala-Malmin tori 1, 00700 Helsinki - Kokoushuone 3 - 2nd floor), capacity: 15 pairs

Supported by: Embassy of Uruguay in Finland, the Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Uruguay, TAIKE, the Svenska Kulturfonden, Malmitalo, and the Ibero-American Institute of Finland.

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Everyone in your family can enjoy Kolibrí! Locations are accessible to persons with reduced mobility and, if you or anyone in your group needs other accommodations or extra information (like a detailed description of the activities, listing sensory stimuli, for instance), get in touch with us at [email protected]. We will be happy to help! We want Kolibrí to be accessible to all!