Vocational College Live – Dance Department

· Jaakko Kuikka is a dancer and musician who is particularly affected by butoh dance and several somatic methods. He is currently studying dance at Ammattiopisto Live. He is interested in combining movement and sound, e.g., with shakuhachi flute and body music.

· Emmi Mäkelä is a dancer who is particularly interested in exploring possibilities and freedom of movement. She is studying for a professional degree in dance at Vocational College Live. She is interested in performing and teaching dance for various groups, as well as the possibilities of influencing society through dance.

· Sampsa Räisänen is studying to become a professional dancer at the Vocational College Live. His strength and interest is in dance theatre and show dance. He is also focusing on contemporary dance in his studies. Sampsa enjoys inspiring people and sharing joy through dance.

· Tette Karila is studying dance at Vocational College Live. She is interested in exploring combinations of various art forms and dance styles, different ways of performing and where dance can be used.

· Jenna Välikangas is studying to become a professional dancer at Vocational College Live. Her main disciplines are contemporary dance, show dance and street dance. She is also interested in ballet dance. To Jenna, dance means interpreting emotions, which has a great importance in terms of well-being.

· Kadar Khristan works as a dancer in inclusive dance, for example at Kaaos Company. He is studying dance at the Vocational College Live. He describes that by dancing, he can overcome limitations and find new connections to himself, others and surroundings. Through the means of dance, Kadar wants to encourage and support others to discover the motion of their body and mind, as well as the feeling of connection to the shared experience of being human.

· Hanna Heino's primary medium and interest is improvisation. She facilitates spaces for dance, play and movement exploration and is currently curious about non-human performance art and working in the spaces in between the structures of society and the Artfield. In addition to working as a dance artist Hanna works as a vocational instructor in special education in dance at Vocational College Live.

· Facilitator: Jasmiina Sipilä works as a teacher in charge of the vocational degree in dance for students with special needs at Vocational College Live. Her work as a pedagogue and choreographer focuses currently on the development of inclusive dance practices, somatic work, as well as improvisation and multidisciplinary performance practices.

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