Mia Österlund

Nordic children's and young adult literature, especially Swedish-Finnish and Swedish-language. Girlhood studies, gender studies, gurlesque, queer, ecocriticism, and animal theory.

I work as a university teacher at Åbo Akademi and the University of Helsinki, as well as a lecturer, critic, and expert in the field of children's and young adult literature. I am the chair of the August Prize and the Kulturrådets arbetsgrupp för barn- och ungdomslitteratur, vice-chair of the jury for the Nordiska Rådets barnlitteraturpris, member of Svenska Litteratursällskpets litteraturvetenskapliga nämnd, scientific member of the editorial board of Barnboken magazine, and I supervise postgraduate students in literary studies at Åbo Akademi.

I have edited publications such as "Novel Districts. Critical Readings of Monika Fagerholm" (SKS, 2016) and have written several articles on picture books, Swedish-Finnish children's literature, and young adult literature, often from a gender perspective.

Pic: Åbo Akademi.

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